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RTU(ATU)TEQIP-III Sponsored 3 Days FDP on



This FDP aims to provide a thorough knowledge about the concepts in soil mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering for stability of structure. This course will be extremely beneficial to the faculty members to update their knowledge in the field of geotechnical engineering .This FDP is planned for 3 days consisting of 6 sessions covering the important aspects of stability of structure considering geotechnical parameters.


This course is provide a platform for the faculty to understand the concept of soil mechanics and stability of structure and makes faculty to deliver the contents effectively to the student.


Geotechnical engineering is the branch of civil engineering which plays a vital role for stability of structure. Geotechnical engineering uses principles of soil mechanics and rock mechanics to investigate sub surface condition , evaluate stability of natural slopes and assess risks posed by site condition . It is an area that tackles the characteristics of soil which comprises strength, compositions and moisture etc.

Conference was inaugurated by CHIEF GUEST Prof.(DR.) Prof. A.K. Dwivedi (Professor of Civil Engineering and Controller of Examination RTU, Kota). The program saw its logical end by inspirational lecture of Honourable Vice Chancellor, RTU, Kota Prof. N. P. Kaushik (also professor in Civil Engineering Department). Eminent speakers to 3 days FDP were Prof. (Dr.) S. K. Tiwari, MNIT Jaipur, Dr. Priyansh Mehra Manipal University, Jaipur, Dr. Sanjya Mundra, NCCBM, New Delhi, Mr. Sanjya Gupta, Consultant and Co-founder Texel Pvt. Ltd., Jaipur and Dr. Pandey, Co-founder Texel Pvt. Ltd., Jaipur


At the end Mr. Nitesh Pathak Convener of FDP thanked every one for participating enthusiastically in the program