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RCEW campus is likely different from any other engineering college in infrastructure and facilities. However, the college may have certain additional features and resources specifically designed to cater to the needs of female students. The calm and scenic environs minimise the distractions creating a perfect atmosphere for knowledge acquisition.

The college may have well-lit and secure hostels with separate wings for each batch of students. In addition, the hostel may have round-the-clock security and female wardens to ensure the safety and comfort of the students. The classrooms and laboratories may be equipped with modern technology and equipment and may have female faculty members who are experts in their fields.

The college may also have separate recreational facilities for female students, such as a gym and a sports ground. In addition, there may be clubs and societies catering to female students’ interests, such as a women's coding or robotics club.

The campus may also have a well-stocked digital library, a cafeteria serving healthy and nutritious food, and a medical center providing medical care to the students.

Spread over a vast stretch of land, and the campus is equipped with various facilities comprising:

Spread over a wide stretch of land, the campus is equipped with myriad facilities comprising:
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Stocked Library

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Digital Library

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Indoor Games

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Outdoor Games

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