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Department of Mathematics

Abstraction and application sustain all the activities of the department of mathematics. The Department seeks to educate the students comprehensively advance analysis. Being the backbone is enriched by the highly qualified and dedicated faculties committed not only to provide the best education methods and patterns so as to make mathematics an interesting subject, but also to encourage to pursue scholarly inquiry, discovery activities and involvement in community engagement.


Department of Chemistry

The department is best in terms of expertise and facilities available for applied and fundamental studies. The Department has a well-furnished laboratory with all possible apparatus, chemicals and accessories with all safety guards. Seminars, conferences and workshops are the regular features of the department.


Department of Physics

The department of physics has a well-furnished laboratory with an excellent setup for Fresnel's biprism, Polarization of laser light, half effect setup, ultrasonic velocity in liquids, etc. The experiments are performed under the expert guidance and supervision of experienced faculty members and technical staff.


Department of English

To face the cut throat competition, the Department of English is dedicated to provide world class proficiency, including not only the strong and impressive communication techniques, but also sound grammatical and linguistics concepts to the technocrats and management aspirants. The undergraduate courses taught by the department faculties aim at making students capable to communicate in corporate culture. The department has a well-furnished communication lab for enhancing the communications skills of the students through communication software & multimedia equipments.