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B.Tech Courses

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Semester III
Course Code Subject
3CS1A Electronic Devices and Circuits
3CS2A Data Structures and Algorithms
3CS3A Digital Electronics
3CS4A Linux and Shell Programming
3CS5A Object Oriented Programming
3CS6A Advanced Engineering Mathematics
3CS7A Electonic Devices Lab
Semester IV
Course Code Subject
4CS1A Microprocessors and Interfaces
4CS2A Dicrete Mathematical Structures
4CS3A Statistics and Probability Theory
4CS4A Software Engineering
4CS5A Principles of Communication
4CS6A Principles of Programming Languages
4CS7A Microprocessor Lab
4CS8A Communication Lab
4CS9A Computer Aided Software Engineering Lab
4CS10A Business Entrepreneurship Development
4CSDC Discipline & extra Curricular Activities
Semester V
Course Code Subject
5CS1A Computer Architecture
5CS2A Digital Logic Design
5CS3A Telecommunication Fundamentals
5CS4A Database Management Systems
5CS5A Operating Systems
5CS6.1A Advanced Data Structure
5CS6.2A Digital Signal Processing
5CS6.3A Information Theory & Coding
5CS7A DataBase Lab
5CS8A System Design in UML Lab.
5CS9A Operating Systems Simulation Lab
5CS10 Digital Hardware Design Lab
5CSDC Discipline & Extra Curricular Activities
Semester VI
Course Code Subject
6CS1A Computer Networks
6CS2A Design and Analysis of Algorithms
6CS3A Theory Of Computation
6CS4A Computer Graphics and Multimedia Techniques
6CS5A Embedded System Design
6CS6.1A Advance Topics in Operating Systems
6CS6.2A Artificial Intelligence
6CS6.3A Human Computer Interface
6CS7A Java Programming Lab
6CS8A Computer Graphics & Multimedia Lab
6CS9A Design and Analysis of Algorithms Lab.
6CS10A Embedded System Design Lab.
6CS11A Humanities and Social Sciences
6CSDC Discipline & Extra Curricular Activities
Semester VII
Course Code Subject
Course CodeSubject
7CS1ACloud Computing
7CS2AInformation System Security
7CS3AData Mining & Ware Housing
7CS4AComputer Aided Design for VLSI
7CS5ACompiler Construction
A Advance DataBase Mangement Systems
7CS6.2A Robotics
7CS6.3AData Compression Techniques
7CS7AWeb Development Lab
7CS8AVLSI Physical Design Lab
7CS9ACompiler Design Lab
7CSTR Practical Training*
7CSDC Discipline & Extra Curricular Activities
Semester VIII
Course Code Subject
Course CodeSubject
8CS1A Mobile Computing
8CS2A Digital Image Processing
8CS3ADistributed Systems
8CS4.1A Hardware Testing & Fault Tolerance
8CS4.2AReal Time Systems
8CS4.3AInformation Retrieval
8CS5AUnix Network Programming & Simulation Lab
8CS7A Digital Image Processing lab
8CSDC Discipline & Extra Curricular Activities