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S.No. Lab Description
1 C++ Programming A Project Based teaching of concepts in Object Oriented Programming
2 Unix Shell Programming Student are given knowledge about Linux OS and Shell Scripts programs
3 Data Structures Lab Development of different programs introducing how data is worked upon in system
4 Computer Aided Software Engineering Lab Students are taught and required to create there project UML diagram using IBM Rational Rose tools
5 DataBase Lab Introduction to SQL Query, Preparation of RDBMS project using ORACLE RDBMS
6 Operating Systems Simulation Lab Programming on MOSS to simulate OS conepts
7 System Design in UML Lab Advance feature of UML programming and diagrams to be used in different assigned projects
8 Java Programming Lab Core Java programming lab with small group projects
9 Design and Analysis of Algorithms Students are required to design Algorithm and Show there Implementation
10 Computer Graphics & Multimedia Lab Gaphic design using C/C++ Programming, with small project
11 Web Development Lab Students are taught and given small web based projects
12 Compiler Design Lab Students are taught and given small web based projects Students are taught to develop the own small compiler using Language processor development tools: LEX, YACC.
13 Unix Network Programming & Simulation Lab Hand -on experince on NS2/3 network tool simulation enviornment.
14 Digital Image Processing lab Small research based projects in field of Image Processing